Articles about blood

Brain and brain diseases

Brain and brain diseases

The brain consumes the most energy in the body up to 20 percent of total consumption. Recent research shows that two-thirds of this energy is used to transmit and process signals and one-third to clean up the space in which nerve cells work. The effectiveness of cleaning activities is related to blood and its properties and its ability to remove waste products from the cleaning area. There are about 100 trillion neurons in the brain.

How to improve health and strengthen immunity?

How to improve health and strengthen immunity?

The article is very technical and describes the process of body functioning through chemistry and physics. The body works on the basis of chemical and physical processes, which explain how we digest food, how metabolism works, how waste accumulates etc.

BIOquant and cardiovascular diseases

BIOquant and cardiovascular diseases

Cardiovascular diseases are referred to as diseases of civilization, which means that they are lifestyle diseases. When we are young, we have perfect blood, because the organism grows and takes everything it needs from food. When we grow up and for many years we are under the influence of negative factors, the processes of waste storage in the body begin. If a person does not get rid of them enough, the wastes accumulate in the body - they settle and cause diseases.

We are a MANUFACTURER of Bioquant devices - devices and spare parts in stock

We are a MANUFACTURER of Bioquant devices - devices and spare parts in stock

We are a manufacturer of Bioquant medical devices, and therefore we have the goods in our warehouse, from where we ship them throughout the EU. You can buy the devices from us or from our dealers. Spare parts are available only from us.

Customer support

Customer support

If you have any questions, please contact us at 00421907 173 910 or by email We speak Slovak, English, German.